Encuentro en la Frontera Gringa / México Nov 10-12 de 2017

Announcing the SOA Watch Encuentro Scholarship Fund!

Are you a young activist, or part of a group of young activists, and in need of financial support to attend this year’s Border Encuentro (November 10-12, 2017)? The Border Encuentro Scholarship Fund was set-up to support the participation of young activists in this year’s Encuentro.

Please use THIS FORM to tell us a bit about you, or your group, and your specific financial needs for this year’s Encuentro. Our resources are limited and will be distributed to groups of young activists in order to help offset the overall cost of attending this year’s Encuentro.

If you have any questions, you can reach Candice at candice.m.camargo@gmail.com 

Our Mission:

SOA Watch is a nonviolent grassroots movement working to close the SOA / WHINSEC and similar centers that train state actors such as military, law enforcement and border patrol. We strive to expose, denounce, and end US militarization, oppressive US policies and other forms of state violence in the Americas.  We act in solidarity with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas.

Our demands:

  • An end to US economic, military and political intervention in Latin America
  • Demilitarization and divestment of the borders
  • An end to the racist systems of oppression that criminalize and kill migrants, refugees and communities of color
  • Respect, dignity, justice and the right to self-determination of communities
  • An end to Plan Mérida and the Alliance for Prosperity

Register for the 2017 Encuentro!

If you are interested in receiving SOA Watch emails and alerts, you can sign up HERE.

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