Complete the application form here to let us know how you would participate in the Convergence.
Ata*: Background
Somos una America Somos Abya Yala (We are Abya Yala – We are One America) is a communications platform and continental network that links groups, individuals and youth social organizations. We walk together building social movement, opinion, debate, proposals and alternative actions to global capitalism, with critical views beyond national borders. We affirm our identity rooted in a single fertile land, mature in the bonds that link our peoples and their worldviews: in our Abya Yala.
Following the first two youth convergences that took place in Sanare, Venezuela in 2014 and Petén, Guatemala in 2016, we defined the pillars of our work around two proposals: denounce the threats of the extractivist economic and political model, the impact of mega infrastructure projects, and militarism, as well as communications in our cotinent’s urban and rural territories. We also lift up the proposals for autonomy and territorial defense in our Abya Yala’s urban, rural, Afro-descendant and indigenous communities, which are concrete alternatives making other worlds possible now! We affirm ourselves as youth in the movement, and we will continue our relationship building via continental meetings throughout Abya Yala, generating collective and coordinated action.
Bozha *: General principles and guidelines III We are Abya Yala Continental Convergence.
Theme: The overarching theme of the convergence will be debate and capacity building based on the comparative experiences and the continental views rooted in the following three topics:
A) Defense of autonomy and protection of territories. Inspiring experiences in the continent.
B) Threats of extractivism, social and environmental conflicts, megaprojects, forced displacement, and militarization
C) Communications and continental network.
Call for Applications: We invite environmental, indigenous, Afro, small-scale farmers, and communication organizations specialized in ecological and land conflicts to submit your application in order to be considered for participation in the Convergence.
Complete the Application Form Here, and let us know how you would contribute to the 3rd We are Abya Yala Continental Convergence.
Application deadline: October 31, 2019.
Confirmation date of selected applications: November 3, 2019
Financing: Reaffirming the 2016 experience in Petén, Guatemala, selected Convergence participants will be convened under the principle of paying for their roundtrip to and from San Salvador, El Salvador. As convening organizations, we guarantee internal domestic transportation, food and lodging.
Organizing By: Somos una América – Radio a Desalambrar – Movimiento Nuevo País, El Salvador – Movimiento Victoriano Lorenzo, Panamá – Colectivo Agrario Abya Yala, Colombia.
* Ata and Bozha are the first 2 numbers of Colombia’s Muiska people, they follow by mika, myhyská, hyznká, ta, kuhuppwá, suhuzká, aka, hubchinhikua.
See more information and the minutes from past continental convergences at
For questions or to request more information, write us at CC’ing